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JSC Electroshield –

big engineering company of the Republic of Tatarstan, offering an integrated approach at implementation of energy sites construction projects.

Our task is to encourage the most efficient and cost-effective operation of energy supply systems for industrial, infrastructural, agricultural and other facilities.


успешных года на рынке
промышленной электроэнергетики






highly qualified


of power lines


The company's involvement in the implementation of large-scale projects enabled us to gain a unique experience and develop the potential of each employee.

2001 – 2005
  • A representative office of ZAO Electroshield Group – TM Samara was opened in Tatarstan
  • November 14, the company registers ZAO Electroshield legal entity
  • CJSC Electroshield was included in the protocol of monopolists suppliers of power equipment of OJSC Tatneft
  • The company is actively developing cooperation with regional oil companies
  • The first facility of 110 kV voltage class was commissioned
  • First joint projects with TatNIPIneft
  • First supplies to facilities of the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan
2006 – 2010
  • Design department was set up
  • First in-house development was presented: design of relay protection scheme and control wiring
  • Service warranty department was set up
  • Construction administration was established
  • The first facility commissioning through integrated method: from design to commissioning
  • The company gained a unique experience in the large-scale project of the Republic of Tatarstan: the design and construction of Vremennaya (Temporary) substation for electricity generation of Phase I construction of the TANECO plant complex, which is 110/6-20 MW substation
  • The first nine 10 kV substations of JSC SEZ IPT Alabuga were procured
  • The first use of metal narrow-base towers of a closed polyhedral cross section in the South-East of the Republic: during the construction of the 110 кV Zainskaya GRES – TANECO transmission line with length of 35.8 km and the Uzlovaya-TANECO overhead line (110 km)
2011 – 2015
  • A facility for the assembly of electrical equipment was launched
  • Certification of the in-house electrical laboratory with the right to perform tests and measurements of electrical equipment up to 220 kV inclusive
  • The Price Book was developed and introduced. It became a new way of participation in EPC tenders
  • Participation in the investment project “Reconstruction of the Almetyevsk heat supply system” in construction of external engineering networks for mini-CHP
  • Project department was set up in Kazan
  • Development of the power system model of the Republic of Tatarstan, enabling calculations and energy consumption forecasts for the next 5-10 years
  • Participation in a project with international investors from Germany
  • CJSC Electroshield was renamed to AO Electroshield
  • Structural changes were introduced: Marketing department was restructured into Technical Department, Department for Material and Technical Support and Financial and Economic Department
2016 – 2019
  • Production site was relocated to Kazan. The Kazan branch of the Company was established
  • The first in-house innovative development — small-sized cell KRU T-01 — was presented at the international exhibition MIOGE in Moscow
  • The company was admitted as Inter RAO Group vendor
  • Accreditation in PAO Rosneft
  • The company was included in the program of implementation of national energy projects in cooperation with the Danish company CUBIC

In connection with the expansion of the geography of the company’s activities of Electroshield JSC, the management decided to open a subsidiary dependent company Electroshield-KZ LLP in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The opening of the company in Astana is another serious step in the development of JSC “Electroshield” and will provide enterprises of Kazakhstan with high-quality modern equipment.
